Transitioning from the recent pandemic is not easy. Everyone is badly hit when it comes to health, work, and business. Maria Luisita Escobar, known as “Marla” to her friends and colleagues, shares insight into preparing financially in a volatile economy today while building a business that helps people with their financial goals.
Marla is a registered financial planner and an insurance professional with Pru Life UK. Being prepared is better than looking for a remedy at the last minute. “We live in a world full of uncertainty and it’s good to be prepared for any untoward incidents,” said Marla.
The recent global crisis caught us off guard. Some lost their jobs. Some closed down their businesses. Some succumbed to sickness. “This crisis taught me that I always need to have a contingency plan in case of an emergency,” she continued. She shares her top four considerations in financial planning for the days, months, and years ahead.
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When saving for the future, always have a portion ready for use when an untoward situation arises. “My sister was my first client for accident insurance,” Escobar shared. It came very handy when her sister’s car overheated and blasted water on her sister’s face by opening the hood.
With lifestyle and genetics, the rate of people getting sick is spreading across the board. Marla knows how it feels to have certain health issues within the family. “There is cancer in the family and heart problems,” she discussed. “Since it may be passed on to our generation, I have critical illness benefits too,” she furthered.
One aspect to prepare is the education of the generation growing after us. Even if Marla does not have kids, she is helping out a teenager through school. With the inflating price of all major commodities, tuition fees also peak the charts. “It can definitely strain your budget if you are not ready for it,” she shared.
Aside from earning money through your salary, it is imperative to build another income stream that can continue to generate money without eating your time. Studying the market within the economy is helpful. “It helps us to be wiser in advising our clients,” Marla exclaimed.
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Business built with passion
Knowing these aspects of financial planning, Marla dedicated her life to her career as a certified financial planner. “I love the mission of helping people manage their finances properly regardless of how small or big their earnings are,” she expressed. Moreover, this career encouraged her to work better to reach her dreams, travel, and live a comfortable life with her family.
Working in the insurance industry has been a growing passion for Marla Escobar. She shared a heartwarming experience with one of her clients. Her client was struck with cancer of the carotid and had completely forgotten that she had a critical illness benefit in the policy she bought from Marla. “When I told her about it, it was more than enough that she used some of it for her wedding,” Marla explained.
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Build your own business
In financial planning, Marla Escobar ultimately believes in God’s providence. “I believe He helps those who help themselves,” she explained. Since she was trained in a religious community to link people to our good Lord, “it is always a blessing to help people realize that they are doing something about their future as early as possible by availing of our products and services,” she continued.
Not only that she helps people choose the best fit for their need in financial planning, but Marla is also actively inviting people who want to build other income streams outside their current work by introducing her profession. They have a regular meetup and presentation to help interested folks jumpstart their career as a financial planner.
If you are interested, you can join their storytelling with business presentations over coffee, face to face, or attend the zoom meetings for a formal presentation. Contact Marla Escobar on Facebook, Instagram, or email for more details.
Facebook: Marla Escobar
Instagram: escobarmarla72