MORE Power Partners with NVC to Combat Malnutrition in Iloilo Province, Supported by Former Senate President Drilon

The Provincial Government of Iloilo, in collaboration with MORE Power and the Negrense Volunteers for Change Foundation, Inc. (NVC) took a significant step in combating malnutrition in Iloilo Province with the launch of the Mingo Nutrition Program, supported by Former Senate President Franklin Drilon. The program kicked off on May 20, 2024, with an event honoring the launch at the Municipality of San Miguel, attended by distinguished guests including Senator Drilon and Mr. Roel Castro, President and CEO of MORE Power.

Mayor Marina Luz Gorriceta of the Municipality of San Miguel acknowledged the severity of the issue, stating, “San Miguel is amongst the TOP 10 Municipalities that has the most malnutrition cases. The data gathered is a wake-up call for us to take serious action against this issue.”

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In his message, Drilon explained how malnutrition has become a serious problem in our country and that the national government’s budget for addressing malnutrition is not enough, especially the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s allocation for the feeding program.

“With minimal funding from the national government, local government units have to find ways to address the issue by partnering with the private sector and non-governmental organizations,” Drilon pointed out.

MORE Power, represented by its President, Mr. Roel Castro, showcased its commitment to the cause by funding the nutrition protocol in San Miguel, Iloilo, with a significant donation. Mr. Castro stressed the urgency of addressing the critical issue of malnutrition before it worsens, highlighting the importance of taking immediate action to secure a better future for our children.

“We are more than happy to extend our support to the children-beneficiaries in San Miguel. Our fervent hope is that, after one year, we witness a transformation in these children – healthier and more energetic – as a direct impact of this program.” Castro emphasized.

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The donation from MORE Power Iloilo will fund a year-long daily feeding program, providing each of the 88 beneficiaries with P8,000 worth of Mingo meals, NVC’s instant complementary food made of rice, mongo (mung beans), and malunggay (moringa). The program aims to address malnutrition among underweight and severely underweight children aged 6 months to 59 months old.

Dr. Maria Socorro Quiñon, Provincial Health Officer of Iloilo, highlighted the significance of the program, expressing, “The provincial government of Iloilo is taking a serious stand against malnutrition. The partnership among MORE Power, the Iloilo Province, Senator Drilon and NVC Foundation is a testament to the collective effort needed to tackle this issue.”

The Mingo Nutrition Program is an initiative that demonstrates a shared commitment to improving the health and well-being of children in Iloilo.  It is a shining example of how public-private cooperation can make a meaningful impact in addressing critical social issues.

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